About Honey

Honey is a sweet, viscous liquid meal that is dark golden in colour and is created in the honey sacs of certain bees from floral nectar. The flowers from which the nectar is obtained determine the flavour and colour. The domestic honeybee produces some of the most commercially attractive honeys from clover. The nectar is transformed into honey by converting the majority of its sucrose sugar into the sugars levulose (fructose) and dextrose (glucose), as well as by removing excess moisture.

Benefits Of BraiNey

Product Features


Standardized Herbal Active

Gut Health
with Prebiotic

Natural Bioenhancers


Ghilli® BraiNey Helps for Brain Health, Ginkgo biloba Leaves Extract improves cognitive function because it promotes good blood circulation in the brain and protects the brain and other parts from neuronal damage. Sideritis scardica Herb Extract improving cognitive function and mood.  Piper nigrum Fruit extract improves bioavailability and Cichorium intybus Root Extract helps gut health. Honey possesses antidepressant effects and improves the oxidative status of the brain. Other studies have also stated that polyphenols found in honey have neuroprotective and nootropic effect’ which protects your nervous system and can enhance your memory and improve cognitive functions.

Key Ingredients


Ginkgo biloba
Leaves Extract

Cichorium intybus
Root Extract

Sideritis species
/Sideritis scardica

Herb extract

Piper nigrum
Fruit extract

How we produce our Honey

We Make Our Honey Infused With Herbal Extract Making It a Medical Supplement

Flavored honey is another name for infused honey. It’s a delectable combination created with honey and a variety of herbs and spices. These components are strongly infused in the honey to give it a distinct flavour that complements the honey’s mild flavour while also enhancing the health benefits of both the herbs and the honey. Here’s how to make your own honey flavours.